
Prepare to embark on a thrilling journey of discovery at ISpace STEM Boot Camp! Tailored for passionate learners eager to explore the cutting-edge realms of STEM, this dynamic program offers a perfect blend of theory and hands-on exploration. Guided by expert instructors, participants will dive into engaging projects and activities, gaining not only knowledge but also invaluable industry-relevant skills.

But this isn’t just about competition; it’s about fostering a community of innovation and creativity. From stimulating seminars, exhibition to interactive workshops and challenge programs, ISpace STEM Boot Camp is a melting pot of enriching experiences. Here, students will hone their practical problem-solving abilities, setting the stage for future success in STEM careers or advanced education.

Open to students aged 7 to 15, inclusivity is at the heart of this event. With carefully curated online qualifying rounds, participants from all backgrounds have the opportunity to showcase their talents and passion for STEM.

As the competition heats up, finalists will converge at the UTeM venue for an electrifying showdown. With challenges and projects unfolding online, each round will push participants closer to the ultimate prize.

Join us for an unforgettable experience at ISpace STEM Boot Camp, where knowledge meets innovation, and dreams take flight. Together, let’s pave the way for the next generation of STEM leaders, ready to shape the future with brilliance and ingenuity

Boot Camp and Final Competition: July 26th - July 27th, 2024

Day 1 : Boot Camp (16th August 2024)

Location: UTeM Campus

Description: Explore innovative products, services, and educational programs related to STEM. This exhibition provides an opportunity for participants to interact with industry leaders, educators, and students showcasing cutting-edge advancements in STEM fields

STEM Photo Hunt Challenge

Location: UTeM Campus and Surrounding Area

Participants: Category 1 & 2

Description: Engage in a thrilling nature hunt where participants capture the essence of STEM in the beauty of nature. This activity fosters creativity, observation skills, and teamwork among participants.


Bridge Building Competition (INDOOR)

– Location: Engineering Workshop, UTeM

– Participants: Category 3

Description: Participants put their engineering skills to the test as they design and build bridges to withstand various challenges. This semifinal round determines the finalists who will compete for top honors later in the Boot Camp.

Location: Various classrooms and seminar halls, UTeM

Description: Engaging talks and interactive workshops designed specifically for parents and teachers to deepen their understanding of STEM education and its significance in today’s world. This session equips them with valuable insights and resources to support STEM learning among students.

Lunch Break & Friday Prayer Break

Location: Engineering Workshop, UTeM

Participants: Category 1 & 2

STEM Photo Hunt Challenge (OUTDOOR)

Location: UTeM Campus and Surrounding Area

Participants: Category 3

Day 2 : Final Competition

Location: UTeM Campus

Location: UTeM Campus

Description: Explore innovative products, services, and educational programs related to STEM. This exhibition provides an opportunity for participants to interact with industry leaders, educators, and students showcasing cutting-edge advancements in STEM fields.

Location: Main Arena, UTeM

Participants: Final 100

Description: The culmination of the Boot Camp where the top participants face off in a thrilling Brain Buster Challenge. This intense competition tests their critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills in a high-pressure environment, with the ultimate prize awaiting the champions.

Location: Main Arena, UTeM

Explore STEM Career Paths, Hands-on Activities for STEM Learning at Home

Maker Fair Activity

Closing Ceremony & Prize Giving


Guide to organizing and executing the STEM Photo Hunt Challenge:
  1. Define Objectives:
    •  Clarify the goals of the STEM Photo Hunt Challenge. Are you aiming to promote creativity, encourage exploration, highlight STEM concepts in nature, or all of the above? Define the purpose clearly to guide your planning process.
  2. Choose Themes:
    • Select thematic prompts or concepts related to STEM that participants will focus on during the challenge. Themes could include biodiversity, sustainability, patterns in nature, scientific phenomena, or technological innovations inspired by nature. Ensure that the themes are broad enough to allow for diverse interpretations and creative expression.
  3. Select Venue:
    • Choose a suitable venue that offers diverse natural settings for photography. Consider parks, botanical gardens, nature reserves, or even your own campus grounds. Ensure that the venue provides ample opportunities for participants to explore and capture engaging photographs aligned with the chosen themes.
  4. Set Date and Time:
    • Determine the date and duration of the Photo Hunt Challenge. Consider factors such as weather conditions, participant availability, and venue accessibility when selecting the date. Aim for a time slot that allows participants to make the most of natural lighting for photography.
  5. Promotion and Registration:
    • Create promotional materials to advertise the Photo Hunt Challenge and generate interest among potential participants. Utilize social media, email newsletters, posters, and word-of-mouth to spread the word. Set up an online registration system where participants can sign up for the event and receive important updates.
  1. Prepare Event Materials:
    • Develop event materials such as maps, thematic prompts, participant guidelines, and identification badges. Provide each participant with a photography kit containing essential items such as a camera (or smartphone), notepad, pen, and any additional equipment or accessories they may need.
  1. Host Orientation Session:
    • Conduct an orientation session at the beginning of the event to welcome participants, review event guidelines, and explain the thematic prompts. Emphasize the importance of safety, respect for the environment, and adherence to event rules during the orientation. Answer any questions participants may have and ensure they understand the objectives of the challenge.
  1. Begin the Challenge:
    • Start the Photo Hunt Challenge and allow participants to explore the designated venue at their own pace. Encourage them to capture photographs that align with the chosen themes and showcase their creativity and observation skills. Provide guidance and support as needed throughout the duration of the challenge.
  1. Submission Process:
    • Establish a submission process for participants to submit their photographs at the end of the challenge. Set up a designated submission area or online portal where participants can upload their photos. Clearly communicate the submission deadline and any specific requirements for photo formatting or file size.
  1. Judging and Awards:
    • Assemble a panel of judges to evaluate the submitted photographs based on criteria such as creativity, composition, relevance to STEM themes, and technical proficiency. Award prizes or recognition to participants with the most outstanding photographs, and consider categories such as Best Overall Photo, Most Creative Interpretation, or People’s Choice Award.
  1. Post-Event Follow-Up:
    • Thank participants for their participation and share highlights from the Photo Hunt Challenge, including winning photos and participant testimonials. Gather feedback from participants to evaluate the success of the event and identify areas for improvement in future editions. Use insights gained to refine event planning and enhance the overall participant experience.
By following these steps, you can organize a successful STEM Photo Hunt Challenge that engages participants, promotes creativity, and fosters an appreciation for STEM concepts in the natural world.

Ready to embark on a journey of discovery and innovation? Join us at ISpace STEM Boot Camp on August 16th and 17th, 2024, at UTeM, Melaka. Register now to secure your spot and unlock the gateway to a world of endless possibilities in STEM.

Don’t miss out on this chance to ignite your curiosity, unleash your creativity, and shape the future of technology and beyond. Enroll today and be a part of something extraordinary!

Join Now!