Everything you need to know about the competition.

How To Qualify For Bootcamp

The first step is the Qualifying Challenge, which is a screening process to identify candidates with the necessary STEM skills and capabilities.

It likely includes tasks or assessments related to STEM fields to gauge participants’ aptitude and knowledge.

There are two additional rounds, Round 1 & Round 2 Challenges, which may increase in difficulty and test problem-solving abilities, creativity, and teamwork skills.

Round 1 Challenge is on 6th July 2024 focusing on writing, and Round 2 Challenge is on 13th July 2024 with a math emphasis.

The final stage is a two-day boot camp held at UTeM, where participants engage in activities to enhance STEM skills and foster collaboration, providing hands-on learning and exposure to real-world challenges.


A STEM Nature Photo Hunt is an outdoor adventure where participants explore natural environments while capturing photos of STEM-related items or phenomena, such as plants, animals, geological features, and weather patterns.

Participants form teams and receive a checklist of items to photograph within a designated area and time frame. They navigate through the environment, documenting the listed items, and submit their photos for verification at designated check-in points

The event welcomes individuals or teams of all ages who have an interest in STEM, nature, and photography. Participants may include students, educators, families, and nature enthusiasts.

No prior photography experience is necessary. The event caters to participants of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced photographers. Participants can use any camera, including smartphones, to capture photos

Photos are judged based on clarity, creativity, and alignment with event guidelines. Judges assess whether the photographed items match those on the checklist and evaluate the composition and quality of the images

Participants are encouraged to bring comfortable attire and footwear suitable for outdoor exploration, sunscreen, water, snacks, and any photography equipment they prefer. It’s also helpful to have a copy of the event guide and checklist.

Yes, the event is family-friendly and suitable for children. However, adult supervision is recommended, particularly for younger participants, to ensure their safety and adherence to event guidelines.

It depends on the rules of the event venue. Participants should check event guidelines for any restrictions regarding pets. If allowed, pets must be kept on a leash and under control at all times

The event may proceed rain or shine, depending on safety considerations and organizer discretion. Participants should come prepared for varying weather conditions and check for event updates or cancellations in case of severe weather

Winners are determined based on factors such as the number of items photographed, photo quality, creativity, and adherence to event guidelines. Prizes may be awarded to top-performing individuals or teams in various categories

Ready to embark on a journey of discovery and innovation? Join us at ISpace STEM Boot Camp on July 26th and 27th, 2024, at UTeM, Melaka. Register now to secure your spot and unlock the gateway to a world of endless possibilities in STEM.

Don’t miss out on this chance to ignite your curiosity, unleash your creativity, and shape the future of technology and beyond. Enroll today and be a part of something extraordinary!

Join Now!